Things to Consider when Buying Her the Perfect Ring

Asking someone to marry you can be the biggest moment of your life. Natura...

2013 Engagement Trends: Rose Gold Engagement Rings!

Rose gold is one of the hottest engagement ring trends for 2013. Rose gold...

Same-Sex Marriage: Engagement Rings and Wedding Bands For Everyone

Same sex marriage is now legal in 9 states, including the District of Colum...

You Had Me at Halo

Halo engagement rings are all the rage-and have been a huge trend in jewelr...

How Much Should You Spend on an Engagement Ring?

There is no "magical" number as to how much you should spend on an engagem...

Spotlight on Jeff Cooper Engagement

Jeff Cooper engagement rings combine the perfect amount of flair and fashio...

2013 Engagement Trends: Vintage

For 2013, engagement rings are changing with the seasons, and this spring, ...

2013 Engagement Ring Trends: Three Stone!

In 2013, there are many new trends emerging, but this hot trend isn't new-j...

April is Diamond Month!

With April here and ready to add a little spring in your step, we at Mervis...

Things to Consider When Selling Your Diamond Engagement Ring

Diamond engagement rings are often associated with hope and joy--but someti...

Why Does It Make Sense to Purchase From a Direct Diamond Importer?

There are a lot of places out there to buy diamond jewelry. In a market awa...

Mervis Proves Supreme Customer Service Is Key

Nothing makes us happier than having our clients love the service, and prod...