Good Old-Fashioned Soap and Water The easiest solution is dish soap. You read that right. Dish soap. Place some warm water in a small dish, add a little bit of mild dish soap, and let it soak for about five minutes. Using a small, soft-bristled brush, gently scrub the soapy ring over a strainer in the sink (your fingers and the ring will be slippery, and sink drains are always hungry for jewelry). Rinse when you're done, let it dry, and examine it later for any spots you may have missed or that might be more stubborn than you first thought.
The Dentist's Choice Another handy household solution can be found in your bathroom. Don't worry... it's toothpaste. Just a tiny bit of toothpaste and warm water can transform your toothbrush into a jewelry-polishing powerhouse. And an electric toothbrush can bring the same efficiency to cleaning diamonds as it does to cleaning your teeth. Be sure to rinse carefully, and don't forget to use a strainer over the sink drain.
When in Doubt If for some reason you think your cleaning job is just too big to handle at home, you can always bring your ring back into the store to let the professionals handle it. They have the tools, techniques, and talent to get your engagement rings, wedding rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets looking every bit as beautiful as the day you first saw them.
Do you have a favorite "home remedy" for cleaning diamonds? Feel free to share it in the comments section below. And keep on shining!